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A network's transformation into funny, extreme, and unexpected entertainment.

A network's transformation into funny, extreme, and unexpected entertainment.

In an effort to bring MTV2 out of MTV's shadow and establish its own distinctive voice, the network remade itself into a frontline destination for cutting-edge trendsetters with a taste for funny, extreme and unexpected entertainment—a transformation symbolized by a bizarre new logo featuring a two-headed dog. And to spread the word about this head-to-toe rebranding, MTV2 turned to us to come up with a web-based teaser campaign. The result? Wheatpaste posters and ads were placed all over Manhattan with nothing but the logo and a URL which led viewers to the2headeddog.com – filled with online games, offbeat art and nearly 50 viral videos that all conformed to the network's newfound unconformity.

As the name connotes, it's all about a two headed dog. That theme carries through to several sections of the site. On the homepage, there are "Tricks Du Jour," a collection of really strange looking videos, all of which, incorporate a logo of a dog with two heads.

Another section, called "Dog Pound," allows people to download the file and upload their own interpretive images of the two headed dog logo. A section called "Freestyle" appears to be a bunch of "on-the-street" amateur rap takes incorporating the phrase "two headed dog."

Lastly, a section called "Arcade" contains, as the name suggests, three online games which are actually quite fun to play, especially the ones called "Ass Blaster" and Mailman Attack."

While the website never revealed the company behind the curtain, it managed to hold people's attention for a month-long teaser phase through a mix of games, art and videos. Updated daily with new user-generated art and video submissions as well as intriguing viral videos, the site became a daily stop for most who stopped by, and was syndicated and discussed on hundreds of sites around the globe. In the pre-youtube, pre-social-media era, the site garnered over 40 million hits worldwide in just under a month and a half. MTV2's the2headeddog.com earned website of the year by Creativity Magazine.


Creativity MagazineWebsite of the Year – MTV2’s the2HeadedDog.com
